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Novo Zabelê community

The Novo Zabelê community has a difficult past. When the Brazilian government created the Serra da Capivara National Park in the late 1970s, the village''s inhabitants had to move from their village, which would become part of the conservation unit. However, until today, the community suffers from the longing for their old land.


To preserve their old village's memory, a small museum was built in a house with little space and precarious conditions.


When visiting the community, Projeto Veredas saw tourism potential and an impressive cultural preservation effort in the museum. Veredas started a project intending to construct a new building for the Zabelê Museum, which will also work as a community center.


The construction is in its final stages.

Comunidade Novo Zabelê: O que nós fazemos
Comunidade Novo Zabelê: Galeria
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